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This is the third installment formed by pieces of José Luis Aragón Panés, on the occasion of the commemoration of the Battle of Chiclana.
On the occasion of the commemoration of the Battle of Chiclana, the Museum of Chiclana welcomes a new guest piece, which will be available to the public until March 6. It is a question of 'The impossible dream of Napoleon. The King who could not reign: Joseph Napoleon I', formed by elements donated by José Luis Aragón Panés.
The mayor of Chiclana, José María Román, inaugurates this exhibition composed of watercolors on the flora present in the Public Pine Forest of La Barrosa.
The mayor of Chiclana, José María Román, has presided over the opening ceremony of the exhibition 'Herbarivm', which can be visited until March 3 at the Museum of Chiclana.
The municipal delegate of Culture, Susana Rivas, and the director of the Museum of Chiclana, Jesus Romero, have announced today at a press conference the varied offer of temporary exhibitions that have been scheduled at the Museum of Chiclana throughout 2024 and will feature about twenty samples in which will feature painting, sculpture, engraving, tattooing, tattoo, philately, literature, history, photography or comics, among other artistic manifestations.
Susana Rivas explained that the program prepared for the occasion "gives continuity to the work tha
The sculptural work of the mid-sixteenth century was part of the first Major Church and now has been acquired by the Consistory chiclanero to increase the cultural heritage of the city
The mayor of Chiclana, José María Román, and the delegate of Culture, Susana Rivas, have presented the 'San Juan Bautista' by Roque Balduque, a sculptural work of mid-sixteenth century, which was part of the first Major Church and now the City of Chiclana has been acquired to increase the cultural heritage of the city.

Susana Rivas opens the exhibition 'Sopirocallasso' on two of the great artists in the history of Spain, which can be visited until February 18.

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the blessing and worship in Chiclana of the Divina Pastora de las Almas, the Municipal Delegate of Culture, Susana Rivas, opened at the museum the exhibition "Pastora.
This sample, which will be open to the public until next October 29, is composed of 16 panels to commemorate the 200 years of the hundred thousand sons of San Luis in Chiclana
The Museum of Chiclana hosts the exhibition 'Battle of Sancti Petri Castle. 200 years of the hundred thousand sons of San Luis in Chiclana', which will be open to the public until October 29.
The exhibition, which can be visited until September 3, wants to testify to the commemorative events of the Bicentennial, which were held in Chiclana throughout 2013
The municipal delegate of Culture, Susana Rivas, and the director of the Museum of Chiclana, Jesus Romero, today opened the exhibition '2013+10. Commemoration of commemorations', on the occasion of the 210th anniversary of the birth of Antonio García Gutiérrez, which can be visited until September 3.
The painting of floral theme will unite these two samples in the same space that the public can enjoy throughout the summer
The municipal delegate of Culture, Susana Rivas, the deputy mayor, Roberto Palmero, and the director of the Museum of Chiclana, Jesus Romero, have presented two exhibitions that come together in the same space. It is 'Gessa, sum and follows. New acquisitions' and 'Another woman who painted other flowers. Carmen Espel', which will be open to the public until September 3, under a common theme such as floral painting.
A few days ago, the government team publicly stated its commitment to flamenco, which is also the commitment of the city itself.
