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The Museum will host the exhibition 'Costus in Chiclana' from 18th June


The Museum will host the exhibition 'Costus in Chiclana' from 18th June

Thursday, June 3, 2021 - 09:54
This exhibition will run until 12 September and visitors will be able to enjoy an important selection of works by the artists, as well as lectures and screenings, among other activities
The major of Chiclana, José María Román, the cultural delegate, Susana Rivas; and Costu’s family members, Ricardo Carrero and Beatriz Naya, have presented the exposition “Costus in Chiclana”, that will be held from June, 18th to September 12th in the museum of Chiclana. A wide and deep exhibition on the work of Costus, where, in addition to great works of this duo (both jointly and individually), during the time of validity of this exhibition (which includes other pieces, apart from paintings) we will approach these great creators forever associated with the best of the Movida Madrileña through conferences, screenings, book presentations, etc...
"When Enrique and Juan finished painting the decoration of 'La Vía Láctea' in Madrid, they began a new stage as an artistic couple, producing a series of works on the dolls of Marín, which they called 'Las Marinas'", recalled Ricardo Carrero, who pointed out that "the relationship between Los Costus and Chiclana goes back a long way and was extensive and fruitful in artistic terms. For this reason, we are now closing a circle and fulfilling an unavoidable destiny with this exhibition".
Finally, Beatriz Naya pointed out that "the first series that Enrique painted with Juan, 'Las Marinas', has its history in Enrique's visit to Chiclana when he was 11 or 12 years old on the occasion of the Flood of 1965 and the image of the dolls floating in the factory". "That image created a very strong feeling in him and that is why it was the first series with Juan. All of this meant that Chiclana was always very close to Enrique", said the artist's sister, who added that "seeing them here so many years later is exciting".
It should be noted that, in addition to the pictorial exhibition in the Museum of Chiclana, as well as various objects related to the artists, during the period of the exhibition, various documentaries on the life of Costus will be shown, as well as lectures by Julio Pérez Manzanares (author of the book 'Costus You are a Star'), Ernesto Chicote (author of 'Costus: the documentary') and Esperanza de los Ríos Martínez (personal friend and author of several articles on Costus).
Also, to increase the visibility of the exhibition and to reach a wider audience, the opening ceremony on 18 June will be broadcast via streaming, as well as a virtual tour of the exhibition, in addition to the various conferences, through the municipal social networks, as well as on the Costus website and Facebook page.

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