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Gramática de Nebrija


Edad Media
Spanish humanist of world relevance, Antonio Martínez de Cala y Xarana – better known as Antonio de Nebrija, given his birth in Lebrija (the ancient Roman Nrebrissa Veneria) – was, in terms of the multiplicity of his knowledge, a prototypical Renaissance man: historian, royal chronicler, poet, pedagogue, teacher, grammarian, translator, exegete, printer, editor,... But to what he owes, above all, his posterity is his work as a linguist, as a philologist, as a grammarian.
In 1942 he published the first Grammar of the Castilian Language (sic) and, in that same year, his Latin-Spanish Dictionary, which, a couple of years later, would be followed by the Spanish-Latin Dictionary. Works that we now highlight here but that are part of a general corpus as broad as important, not in vain he produced for more than half a century, something not very usual for his time.
We commemorate his death and celebrate his life dedicated to shared knowledge.