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The Museum hosts an exhibition with new acquisitions on Antonio Garcia Gutierrez


The Museum hosts an exhibition with new acquisitions on Antonio Garcia Gutierrez

Monday, February 3, 2025 - 12:49
Susana Rivas and Jesus Romero inaugurate this exhibition, consisting of various works of the writer Chiclana, which can be visited until March 29th.
The municipal delegate of Culture, Susana Rivas, and the director of the Museum of Chiclana, Jesus Romero, have inaugurated the exhibition of new acquisitions on the Chiclana writer Antonio Garcia Gutierrez, which can be visited until March 29 in the room 'De Paso' Museum. 
It is an exhibition composed of dramas such as 'Gabriel' (1844), 'El tesoro del rey' (1857) or 'Un duelo a muerte' (1861); comedies such as 'Sendas opuestas' (1871) or 'Nobleza obliga' (1872); zarzuelas such as 'Cegar para ver' (1860) and 'El grumete' (1852); non-dramatic verse work that will be represented in the book 'Luz y tinieblas. Poesías sagradas y profanas' (Light and darkness. Sacred and profane poems). The exhibition also includes articles about García Gutiérrez and portraits of him.
Dramas, comedies, zarzuelas, poem, and other pieces as well - among these, articles about him or portraits of him that appeared in the press of his time - complete this exhibition that, once again, confirms the commitment of the Museum of the city with this illustrious chiclanero, who was a poet and playwright and who occupied his seat as an academician in the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, or the position, for example, of director of the National Archaeological Museum.


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