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The Museum of Chiclana increases by 30 per cent the number of visitors during 2014


The Museum of Chiclana increases by 30 per cent the number of visitors during 2014

Wednesday, January 7, 2015 - 09:04
Museo de Chiclana, Fachada

The Museum of Chiclana increases by 30 per cent the number of visitors during 2014

The Museum of  History is visited by over a thousand people in each of the summer months, improving their figures every month.

For the second consecutive year, since Emsisa started to manage the Municipal Museum,these facilities improve the number of visitors who frequent them, reaching 10.350 visitors during 2014.The percentage is increased by 30% the number of visitors, with respect to the 7.850 people who enjoyed the cultural center in 2013.

Again, the chiclaneros are the most interested in knowing the history of the city, followed by residents of Madrid, Seville and England. Thus,the British community reaches major tourist quota than adjacent cities like San Fernando and Cadiz, or provinces of the autonomous community, as Málaga.

One of the most notable data is the significant increase in the number of visitors during the summer months,it does exceed 1.000 visits during the months of May, June, July and August, turning the museum into a clear tourist destination, so far the Museo de Chiclana registered its largest percentage of visits during school seasons. This upward trend during these months supposes a greater diversification of public and references the Museo de Chiclana as a tourist destination included in the itineraries of different operators in the sector.

It should be underlined the increase of visits compared to previous years, during the months of October and November, in which the Museo de Chiclana has reached almost 1.000 visitors per month, coinciding with the exhibition of sculptures by Antonio Mota "Disproportion and Equilibrium.Contradictions" and with the beginning of the exhibition "Vox Clamantis. Art and History in the church of Saint John the Baptist.1814-2014".

Women are again the more frequent public in the museum, supposing a 52.79% of the total and, interestingly, last year the average age of visitors was established  by over 40 years (64.79%) , while in 2013 was primarily persons of school age. This increase of age,tells us a noticeable change in the the profile of the average visitor, but does not affect the visits of the groups from primary and secondary schools.

Apart from the people who have visited the museum, in groups or individually, to enjoy the exhibitions, the Museo de Chiclana have also hosted several training courses of CEEI Bahía de Cádiz, winter courses of the Universidad de Cádiz ,conferences led by the Delegación Municipal de Educación, conferences organized by the Ateneo de Chiclana and many other activities such as presentations of books or catalogs.

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