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The Mayor inaugurates the exhibition 'Homo Homini' by Eduardo Martinez


The Mayor inaugurates the exhibition 'Homo Homini' by Eduardo Martinez

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 09:46

The exhibition consists of nearly a hundred works and can be visited until January 4 at the Museum of Chiclana

The mayor of Chiclana, José María Román, has presided over the opening ceremony of the exhibition 'Homo Homini' of the artist Eduardo Martínez. An act that has been attended by the author of the works, as well as the municipal delegate of Culture, Susana Rivas, and the director of the Museum, Jesus Romero. In this sense, the exhibition, consisting of nearly a hundred works, can be visited at the Museum of Chiclana until January 4.
“More than 20 years ago the young Eduardo Martinez, a student of Fine Arts, won the contest of young values in Chiclana. A decade ago we had an exhibition in which the Ephemeral Butterfly appeared, which will be a reality in a fountain in the center of Chiclana. And today we are here to inaugurate this exhibition, in which Eduardo offers us a wide work and, in addition, will donate to the city paintings for the Museum's funds and for future cultural activities,” said the mayor, who stressed that ”we continue to work to meet the generosity of people like Eduardo himself and that his works can be exposed.” “Invite citizens to visit the exhibition and enjoy the works of Eduardo Martinez, whom I thank the gesture with the city,” he said.
For his part, Eduardo Martinez thanked the City of Chiclana “the opportunity to exhibit his works.''
“This exhibition comes true from the concerns that we all have.Things are happening around us and the plastic arts, far from being an aesthetic vehicle, are also a language that transcends to future generations”, highlighted the artist, who added that ‘the exhibition aims to investigate inside and outside, dealing with issues such as war, hunger or fears’. “The exhibition contains an internal dialogue, which positions us in what we are and what we want to be,” he explained.
'Homo Homini' is a proposal that transcends, without neglecting it at all, the merely plastic and that the public immediately perceives as soon as it enters the rooms that host the exhibition.It is a series of 80 prints that put the finger, with a stark sense of humor, on the many open wounds in us and in the world that together we make up.And what is true for this series of prints is also true for the exhibition as a whole. 
'Homo Homini' is a profound reflection on the human condition (individuality and collectivity).
And to be so, it has to be grounded in the concrete conjuncture in which such condition takes place and time.This is why Eduardo Martinez's exhibition is also a testimony of our time, of our most palpitating time.In addition, he invites us to immerse ourselves in an existential landscape, where, through paintings, sculptures, engravings, drawings and installations, he displays a visual language deeply committed to the reflection on being and its contradictions. 
This ambitious exhibition will not leave visitors indifferent, challenging them to question themselves about the human condition in the contemporary world.
It should be noted that 'Homo Homini' will not only feature the work of Eduardo Martinez, but also the collaboration of other artists invited by him, who, through their own works, will amplify and complement the discourse of the set posed by Martinez, thus enriching the viewer's experience. 


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