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The exhibition 'Agustín Segura oculto' opens at the Museum of Chiclana


The exhibition 'Agustín Segura oculto' opens at the Museum of Chiclana

Friday, May 14, 2021 - 19:59
This exhibition is the result of acquisitions made in recent times, as well as restoration work and interesting research work.

The municipal delegate for Culture, Susana Rivas; the director of the Museum of Chiclana, Jesús Romero, and the artist Eduardo Martínez, have inaugurated the temporary exhibition 'Agustín Segura oculto', which will be open to the public in these facilities until 13th June. The exhibition is the result of acquisitions made in recent times, as well as restoration work and interesting research work. In this case, the subject of the exhibition is Agustín Segura, a painter from Tarifa with close links to Chiclana, whose work is offered to the visitor permanently in his exclusive room.

Under the title 'Agustín Segura oculto', "we intend to give an unprecedented view of some of the pieces by Segura that the Museum of Chiclana has in its possession. So new or unpublished, that we will be able to access for the first time to works that the eyes of the connoisseur sense but do not see. A vision that is far from epidermal", the delegate pointed out.

At the service of this new vision is the extensive knowledge of Eduardo Martínez, an artist who, as a painter, restorer, and expert, "offers us a very broad vision of the selection of works chosen for this study. In this way, new technical resources allow studies that were previously unthinkable, as well as the collaboration of a series of people whom Martínez has involved in this project of his, a project that the Museum, given the unquestionable interest it has for our heritage, has welcomed as its own from the very first moment", specified Susana Rivas, who also invited the public to enjoy these works.

For his part, Eduardo Martínez explained that "this is a very rarely seen exhibition, by a painter who has great respect for the classical tradition and has never abandoned his brushes throughout his career. This exhibition arises because, analyzing the surface of the work, traces or visual interferences can be observed that have nothing to do with the final aspect of the subject that it represents. This suggests that there is a movement of pictorial layers that indicate that something different is happening in the underlying layers to what is happening on the surface, which is the first thing we see".

He also emphasized that "what this exhibition aims to do is to bring the public closer to this way of seeing, in a more specialized way, the work of Agustín Segura. It is an elegant, simple and beautiful exhibition, with a content that is not overwhelming on a technical level, which makes it interesting and pioneering in the area". Furthermore, he explained that "I would highlight three fundamental values in this exhibition, which are the informative and pedagogical nature of all the content, allowing the viewer to follow all the content that is developed. The second value is that it is an exhibition that is not being held locally, which makes Chiclana a pioneer and standard-bearer of a very interesting project and commitment to painting and culture. This initiative is at the level of the great museums and foundations, so once again Chiclana shows that with will, effort, and dedication it is placing itself at the level of the greats, as it always does".

The last aspect highlighted by Eduardo Martínez is that "not only the study carried out employing specialized X-rays is very innovative, but also the treatment. Because with the team we worked with, we retouched the X-ray image just enough so that the public would receive it with less interference. This challenge has followed criteria very close to restoration, slipping through that crack in history, but being neat and with a treatment of the image that does not distort the information that was in the original image".




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